New Zika Virus Discovery Threatens the Northeast and Midwest

New Zika Virus Discovery Threatens the Northeast and Midwest

The Zika virus has been discovered in the Aedes albopictus, more commonly known as the Asian tiger mosquito, for the first time in the Western hemisphere. This has researchers worried that the Zika virus may spread to the Northeast and Midwest. The discovery was reported by the Pan American Health Organization after researchers in Mexico reported that the Zika virus had been found in Asian tiger mosquitoes.

The primary carrier of Zika so far has been another species of mosquito called the Aedes aegypti. This species is much less widespread than the albopictus, giving researchers the hope that the spread of Zika would be contained. However, the albopictus has a range that goes as far north as New England, which means there is now a possibility of Zika spreading further throughout the United States.

The geographical reach of the Asian tiger mosquito is just one of many factors making it dangerous. The aegypti, which is the most commonly found carrier of the Zika virus, usually resides in urban areas and follows people indoors, making it easy to spot and kill. But the Asian tiger mosquito prefers to live outdoors in dense leafy areas, which means it’s much easier for it to hide and thrive.

Researchers are unsure exactly how effective the Asian tiger mosquito will be in spreading the Zika virus. After biting their victims, other mosquitoes will fly away and move onto the next target at the first sign of danger.  This makes them effective in spreading disease. But the Asian tiger mosquito will bite a victim and not unhinge itself from them until it has had a full meal. Because of this unique behavior, researchers are hoping that if the disease does spread to the north, it will not be widespread.

As the fight against the Zika virus continues, you can trust the team at NET effect to help keep you informed and safe. If you’re looking to safeguard yourself and your loved ones from the spread of Zika, check out our online store today to get your hands on one of the world’s most revolutionary mosquito repellents.